Top 10 Jana Kramer Songs

Jana Kramer Albums

Feature Photo: Debby Wong /

Our Top 10 Jana Kramer Songs list takes a look at a country singer and actress. She is best known for her role on One Tree Hill. She has been nominated for country music awards and has won one award. Her hit singles include “Why Ya Wanna,” “Whiskey,” “What I Love About Your Love,” “I Got the Boy,” “Circles,” “Beautiful Lies,” “Said No One Ever,” “I Hope It Rains” and “I’ve Done Love.” She has appeared in television and movies. She appeared in Dead/Undead (2002), The Passage and Blood Games (2003), Blue Demon and Return of the Living Dead: Necropolis (2005), Click (2006), Boxboarders (2007), Prom Night, Bar Starz, and The Poker Club (2008), Laid to Rest and Spring Breakdown (2009), Heart of the Country and Approaching Midnight (2013), Country Crush (2016) and Support the Girls (2018). She has done a host of TV shows including One Tree Hill.

Jana Kramer was born December 2, 1983. She starred in several movies and TV shows before she made an album. She released her self-titled album in 2012. It peaked at number five on the country charts and number 19 on Billboard 200. It features the singles “Why Ya Wanna,” “Whiskey” and “I Hope It Rains.” She released a promotional single that aired on One Tree Hill called “I Won’t Give Up.” The single was number 75 on Billboard 200. Her self-titled album sold over 185,000 copies. Thirty One was released in 2015. It peaked at number three on the country charts and number 10 on Billboard 200. It features the singles “Love,” “I Got the Boy,” “Said No One Ever” and “Circles.” The album sold over 79,000 copies. The single “I Got the Boy” sold over 528,000 copies.

Jana Kramer didn’t start out as a singer, but she found her calling. She also may not have country roots, but she was able to become a country singer. She is one of the few people who was able to transition from acting to singing. It may not have been easy, but she managed to do it. This Top 10 Jana Kramer Songs list will feature her best songs.

# 10 – Dammit

The first song on our Top 10 Jana Kramer Songs list is “Dammit.” This is a non-album single. The song has a country beat. This heartfelt song is about a love that seemed like it would be perfect, but it wasn’t. Here is some trivia about the song. This song is about Jana Kramer’s husband cheating on her. She wants her listeners to think about the good things about love instead of the bad things. This is growth on her end because most people want to tell the bitter side of love especially when it’s over.

You can tell this song is personal for her since she was going through issues with her husband. She can give Taylor Swift a run for her money when it comes to personal songs. You can feel the emotion as she is singing the song. The lyrics are deep and meaningful. This is the type of song that will give you chills and make you think. The song will hit home with people who are in similar situations. The song is haunting and raw. The music has a traditional country sound. It has a somber beat. It features the guitar and drums. Jana Kramer’s voice sounds tender and soothing. You can tell she is singing from the heart and not just reciting lyrics.

She doesn’t do any vocal tricks or hold notes, but the song didn’t call for it. She did everything she needed to do to pull off the song. There are a couple of minor complaints that are worth mentioning. The chorus could be stronger. Nothing really stands out about the way the chorus ends. It should have a melodic ending. All she does is say the title of the song. The other minor complaint is that the song ends abruptly. It needed a smoother ending. Other than the minor complaints, the song is pretty good.

# 9 – What I Love About Your Love

The next song on our Top 10 Jana Kramer Songs list is “What I Love About Your Love” from her self-titled album. The song has a country beat. The romantic song is about the way she feels about the man she loves. This is different from the previous entry because she is happy and in love. This song tells a story about a happy relationship. If you are happy and in love, this song will resonate with you. It is nice to hear her singing about being in love.

She proved she could tackle love and heartbreak. The song has a traditional country sound. The music sounds like something you would hear on country radio. It has a midtempo beat that you can dance to. You can practically see the square dance happening. The music features the acoustic guitar, electric guitar, fiddle and drums. They all combine to make a catchy tune. Jana Kramer’s voice is easy on the ear. She sings with a twang, which gives the song a southern feel. She has an old school country voice.

She sounds happy singing the song. It makes you want to smile while listening to her singing. Her voice is so inviting that she makes you want to sing along with her. She has clear diction so you can understand what she is saying without having to read the lyrics.

# 8 – Circles

The loving song is from the Thirty One album. The song has a country and pop beat. The refreshing song is about the strength of love. It teaches you that love can help mend a broken heart. It lets you know that love can heal anything. The lyrics will speak to you and tell you not to give up on love. Love is the best thing to fix your broken heart. If you feel like giving up on love, you should listen to this song. It will help you see that you shouldn’t give up on love.

The lyrics are beautiful and will touch your soul. This song doesn’t have a traditional country beat. It sounds as if it is a combination of country and pop. Fans of country and pop will enjoy this song. The music is soft and powerful. The guitars are the standout instruments on the track. The drums give the song tempo so you can bop your head to the beat. Jana Kramer’s voice blends well with the music. She starts the song softly to go along with the soft music.

When the music gets louder, so does she. She can keep up with the pace of the music. When the guitar gets louder, she can be heard without getting drowned out by the music. She sings with a twang that doesn’t get annoying. She does a little belting in the chorus. She holds a little note in the bridge that was pleasant on the ear. She proved that she could hold notes if she wanted to do them.

# 7 – Whiskey

The bitter song is from the self-titled album. The song has a country beat. The painful song is about her being with the wrong guy. She compares him to whiskey. This is definitely a unique way to compare love. She tells a story about a woman regretting a time she met someone she thought she loved. She tells the song like a story. She is very detailed about their relationship. We have all been in a situation where we thought we made the right decision about someone, and it ended up being the wrong one.

This song teaches you to trust your instincts. Here is some trivia about the song. The song was originally supposed to be about a woman a guy couldn’t get out of his mind. One of the writers convinced the other writer to change the gender so Jana Kramer could sing the song. The music is country meets rock. The music features the audible fiddle, strings and drums. Jana Kramer managed to do a great job with the song. She takes vocal risks that she doesn’t take in the previous songs on our Top 10 Jana Kramer Songs list. She holds notes and belts throughout the song.

She sounds upbeat while she is singing the song. You would think she would have sounded as if she was hurt since the song is about heartbreak, but she sounds happy. Surprisingly, her happy tone makes it easier to deal with the subject matter. You might not think a song called “Whiskey” would be worth listening to, but this song is really catchy.

# 6 – Said No One Ever

The fun song is from the Thirty One album. The song has a country beat. The catchy song is about things that aren’t often said. This song is a cynical look at life. It is about unlikely opinions. She says rich people would never say it sucks to be rich. People never say to show them a prison cell. People never say they are happier when they are lonely. The lyrics are sarcastic and sassy. It gives Jana Kramer a chance to have fun with the track.

This song is geared toward a younger audience. The title has been used on social media. The subject of the song is different and unique for a country song. Fans of traditional country lyrics may not approve of this track, but you should give it a chance. It’s not meant to be taken seriously. It’s a fun song that is great for the summer. The music has a country beat, but it also has a pop rock edge.

The music is upbeat and energetic. It will have you on the dance floor. The musical production is sizzling. The strings and drums sell the music. Jana Kramer’s vocals are strong. You can tell she is having a good time while she is singing the song. She uses a double in the hook. She is using the right amount of sass and attitude to pull off the song. She belts and holds notes in the chorus.

# 5 – Why Ya Wanna

The next song on our Top 10 Jana Kramer Songs list is “Why Ya Wanna” from the self-titled album. The song has a country beat. The questionable song is about her wanting to know why her ex wants her to keep loving him. He does things to make her want to be with him. If you have an ex that makes you want to be with him or her, this song is for you. This song is relatable to everyone.

This is her debut single, so she had a lot to prove. She had to convince the country world that she wasn’t just an actress who decided to become a singer. She does a good job selling the song. The melody is appealing. The lyrics are different. People don’t usually sing about someone trying to make you fall in love with them. The music has a traditional country sound. It also has a rock edge thanks to the electric guitar. The music features the fiddle, guitars and drums. The melody is similar to Avril Lavigne’s “I’m With You.” Jana Kramer sounds like an authentic country singer despite being from Michigan.

She uses a twang in this track. She sings the verses softly. Her voice soars when she gets to the chorus. She belts towards the middle of the song. She holds notes in this track. She sounds as if she has been singing for years. It’s hard to believe that this is her first single.

# 4 – Beautiful Lies

The thematic song is a non-album single. The song has a country, pop and rock beat. The bitter song is about infidelity. Jana Kramer wrote this song because her husband cheated on her. She talks about the hurt and pain she felt when she found out her husband cheated on her. She wanted to believe the lie that her marriage was still happy. You can tell this is a personal song for her. This song is relatable to anyone who has been cheated on and felt their world was crumbling down because of the betrayal. The fact that Jana Kramer went through the infidelity makes the song have more weight. She is not just reciting lyrics. She wrote this song from the heart.

She was brave to share her story with the world. She could have kept her marital problems to herself, but she wanted people to know what happened in her personal life. Her marital problems were made public when her husband announced that he was unfaithful. This song gives you an idea of how she felt when she found out about his infidelity. The subject is nothing new because people sing about cheating all the time. She makes it sound fresh and new.

The music isn’t traditional country music. It sounds more like pop rock. Her twang is what makes the song sound like country music. She sings the song with a lot of passion. You can feel her pain with each lyric. She does a great job with the lyrics. She was very strong to be able to share her story like this.

# 3 – I’ve Got the Boy

The moving song is from the Thirty One album. The song has a country beat. The compelling song is about a former lover from her past who is getting married. She wished he treated her the way he treats his new love. He treats the new love differently from how he treated her. The subject of the song is similar to Vesta’s “Congratulations.” She wants him to be okay, but she wishes he were that way with her. Here is a fun fact about the song. Jamie Lynn Spears co-wrote the song.

She wrote the song about someone she used to date. Jana Kramer dedicated this song to her high school sweetheart. Jana Kramer wanted to write a song like this, but she couldn’t figure out the right words to say. This song is relatable to anyone who has been in this situation. It’s hard to watch the person you love marry someone else and treat them better than you were treated. The writers hit the nail on the head with this track. You would have to be a saint to be okay with your ex treating someone better than they treated you. The lyrics are very deep.

The story is told from a female’s point of view, but men can relate to it as well. The music has a traditional country sound. It features strings and drums. The musical production is amazing. Jana Kramer’s vocals are incredible. She sings this with a twang. You can practically hear her choking up when she’s talking about him being with someone else. She also sounds heartfelt when she says she had the boy and the new one has the man. Everything about this song works.

# 2 – Love

The inspirational song is from the Thirty One album. The song has a country beat. The uplifting song is about loving your community. She showed that she didn’t have to just sing songs about relationships. She can also sing songs with a message. She believes that there is a lot of hatred going around. She wants everyone to be kind and love each other. This song is perfect with what is going on in the world. People should be kind to one another. The song has a positive message about love.

The lyrics are a little misleading. It’s supposed to be about loving one another, but if you pay attention to the lyrics, she appears to be talking about a relationship. It’s up to the listener to decide what you take from the song. The music is upbeat and exudes love. The drumbeat gives the song tempo and allows you to bop your head to it. The music starts off softly in the verses and gets louder by the chorus. The chorus is infectious and will stay in your head long after the song is over.

Jana Kramer sounds great on this track. She sings the song with a lot of passion. You can tell she is smiling while she is singing. She sounds perky and delightful. You can tell she believes what she is saying. She belts and holds little notes throughout the song. She could have turned the song into a power ballad, but it doesn’t hurt the song.

# 1 – I Hope It Rains

The number one song on our Top 10 Jana Kramer Songs list is “I Hope It Rains” from the self-titled album. The song has country and rock beat. The heartbreaking song is about her wanting bad things to happen to her ex-boyfriend. She is suffering from the pain he put her through. She wants bad things to happen to him, but she doesn’t want him to completely suffer. Most of us can relate to wanting someone to go through bad things, but you don’t want them to suffer too much.

This song will hit home with anyone who has been treated badly by an ex. You don’t want to see them happy. You can tell that she is very bitter towards someone. You can hear the bitterness in her voice. Her voice is raw and gritty which is perfect for this kind of song. She tells a great story. She is very descriptive about what she is going through in the song. She sings the verses in a lower register. She is giving off Alanis Morissette vibes in this song.

She belts throughout the chorus. She sings in time with the music. Her voice blends very well with the music. Speaking of the music, it’s a little misleading. The music is upbeat and cheerful considering the subject of the song. You would think a song with this subject would have a somber beat. This song is infectious and will stay in your head.

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