This Complete List Of Änglagård Albums And Songs presents the full discography of Änglagård studio albums. This complete Änglagård discography also includes every single Änglagård live album. All these progressive rock Änglagård albums have been presented below in chronological order. We have also included all original release dates with each Änglagård album as well as all original album covers. Every Änglagård album listed below showcases the entire album track listing.
Released 1992
CD Track Listings:
1. Jordrök (Earth Smoke) (11:10)
2. Vandringar I Vilsenhet (Wanderings in Confusion) (11:53)
3. Ifrån Klarhet Till Klarhet (From Clarity to Clarity) (8:04)
4. Kung Bore (King Winter) (12:57)
5. Gånglåt Från Knapptibble (Marching Tune from Knapptibble) (7:19)
Released 2012
CD Track Listings:
1. Prolog (2:00)
2. Höstsejd (Rites of Fall) (15:32)
3. Rösten (The Voice) (0:14)
4. Skogsranden (Eaves of the Forest) (10:48)
5. Sista Somrar (The Last Summer) (13:10)
6. Saknadens Fullhet (The Fullness of Longing) (2:00)
7. Rösten (3:38)
Viljans Öga
Released 2012
CD Track Listings:
1. Ur vilande (15:47)
2. Sorgmantel (12:06)
3. Snårdom (16:15)
4. Längtans klocka (13:22)
Buried Alive
Released 1996
CD Track Listings:
1. Prolog (2:20)
2. Jordrök (11:45)
3. Höstsejd (14:03)
4. Ifrån klarhet till klarhet (9:04)
5. Vandringar i vilsenhet (13:07)
6. Sista somrar (9:22)
7. Kung Bore (12:34)
Prog På Svenska – Live In Japan
Released 2014
CD Track Listings:
CD One:
1. Introvertus Fugu (Den asociala blåsfisken) Part 1 (6:56)
2. Höstsejd (11:25)
3. Längtans klocka (11:14)
4. Jordrök (12:56)
CD Two:
1. Sorgmantel (12:40)
2. Kung Bore (15:20)
3. Sista somrar (16:00)
23 Years Of Hybris
Released 2014
CD Track Listings:
CD One: Original Studio Album Recording
1. Jordrök
2. Vandringar I Vilsenhet
3. Ifrån Klarhet Till Klarhet
4. Kung Bore
5. Gånglåt Från Knapptibble
CD Two: Early music
1. Jordrök (Live In Falköping ’93)
2. Kung Bore (Live In Falköping ’93)
3. The Bus Ride From Hell (Live In Houston ’93)
4. Krigssång I (Live In Houston ’93)
5. Ura Kaipa (Demo ’91)
6. Kung Bore (Demo ’91)
7. Ifrån Klarhet Till Klarhet (Demo ’92)
8. Vinter (Improvisation ’91)
CD Three: Radio Show
1. Get Together
2. The Band name
3. Instrumentation
4. The Contract
5. How Songwriting Works
6. What Do We Want To Awoke
7. Jordrök
8. Vandringar I Vilsenhet
9. Ifrån Klarhet Till Klarhet
10. Kung Bore
11. Gånglåt Från Knapptibble
12. The Cover Artwork
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