Photo: Marco Frassinelli /
This Complete List Of Ministry Albums And Songs presents the entire Ministry discography of studio albums. The band Ministry was founded by musician and songwriter Al Jourgensen who has been the creative force, bandleader and only continuous member of the band through the group’s career. And it’s been a long career for this amazing group. Ministry’s musical journey began in the early 1980s around 1981. The origins of the group began in the windy city of Chicago, Illinois.The band’s sound. has changed through the years as they had morphed form a group that started out within the genres of 80s pop music fueled by synthesizers and big beats. The band would eventually began to explore the universe of industrial metal music becoming on of the most popular groups of the genre.
This Ministry discography also includes every single live album. All these deep explosive Ministry albums have been presented below in chronological order. We have also included all original release dates with each Ministry album as well as all original album covers. Every Ministry album listed below showcases the entire album track listing.
With Sympathy
Released May 10, 1983
CD Track Listings:
1. Effigy (I’m Not An) (3:53)
2. Revenge (3:50)
3. I Wanted to Tell Her (5:31)
4. Work for Love (4:46)
5. Here We Go (3:24)
6. What He Say (4:06)
7. Say You’re Sorry (4:20)
8. Should Have Known Better (4:33)
9. She’s Got a Cause (3:33)
Released March 12, 1986
CD Track Listings:
1. Just Like You (5:03)
2. We Believe (5:56)
3. All Day Remix (6:03)
4. The Angel (6:06)
5. Over the Shoulder (5:13)
6. My Possession (5:05)
7. Where You at Now? / Crash and Burn / Twitch (12:15)
The Land of Rape and Honey
Released October 11, 1988
CD Track Listings:
1. Stigmata (5:45)
2. The Missing (2:54)
3. Deity (3:23)
4. Golden Dawn (5:42)
5. Destruction (3:30)
6. Hizbollah (3:59)
7. The Land of Rape and Honey (5:12)
8. You Know What You Are (4:45)
9. I Prefer (2:16)
10. Flashback (4:48)
11. Abortive (4:23)
The Mind Is a Terrible Thing to Taste
Released November 14, 1989
CD Track Listings:
1. Thieves (5:02)
2. Burning Inside (5:20)
3. Never Believe (4:59)
4. Cannibal Song (6:10)
5. Breathe (5:40)
6. So What (8:13)
7. Test (6:04)
8. Faith Collapsing (4:01)
9. Dream Song (4:48)
Psalm 69: The Way to Succeed and the Way to Suck Eggs
Released July 14, 1992
CD Track Listings:
1. N.W.O. (5:30)
2. Just One Fix (5:11)
3. TV II (3:04)
4. Hero (4:13)
5. Jesus Built My Hotrod (4:51)
6. Scarecrow (8:21)
7. Psalm 69 (5:29)
8. Corrosion (4:56)
9. Grace (3:05)
Filth Pig
Released January 30, 1996
CD Track Listings:
1. Reload (2:25)
2. Filth Pig (6:19)
3. Lava (6:30)
4. Crumbs (4:14)
5. Useless (5:55)
6. Dead Guy (5:15)
7. Game Show (7:45)
8. The Fall (4:54)
9. Lay Lady Lay (5:44)
10. Brick Windows (5:23)
Dark Side of the Spoon
Released June 8, 1999
CD Track Listings:
1. Supermanic Soul (3:13)
2. Whip and Chain (4:23)
3. Bad Blood (4:58)
4. Eureka Pile (6:22)
5. Step (4:06)
6. Nursing Home (7:02)
7. KAIF (5:25)
8. Vex & Siolence (5:24)
9. 10/10 (3:53)
Released February 18, 2003
CD Track Listings:
1. Animosity (4:36)
2. Unsung (3:11)
3. Piss (5:10)
4. Lockbox (4:45)
5. Broken (4:52)
6. The Light Pours Out of Me (4:26)
7. Shove (5:53)
8. Impossible (7:43)
9. Stolen (4:09)
10. Leper (9:05)
Houses of the Molé
Released June 22, 2004
CD Track Listings:
1. No “W” (3:24)
2. Waiting (5:02)
3. Worthless (4:09)
4. Wrong (4:54)
5. Warp City (4:01)
6. WTV (4:25)
7. World (5:13)
8. WKYJ (5:14)
9. Worm (9:10)
TRACK 69 – Walrus
Rio Grande Blood
Released May 2, 2006
CD Track Listings:
1. Rio Grande Blood (4:24)
2. Señor Peligro (3:38)
3. Gangreen (6:00)
4. Fear (Is Big Business) (4:51)
5. Lieslieslies (5:16)
6. The Great Satan (3:09)
7. Yellow Cake (4:35)
8. Palestina (3:18)
9. Ass Clown (6:42)
10. Khyber Pass (7:31)
silent tracks 11 & 12
13. Sgt. Major Redux (1:45)
The Last Sucker
Released September 18, 2007
CD Track Listings:
1. Let’s Go (4:52)
2. Watch Yourself (5:28)
3. Life Is Good (4:15)
4. The Dick Song (5:50)
5. The Last Sucker (5:59)
6. No Glory (3:41)
7. Death & Destruction (3:31)
8. Roadhouse Blues (4:26)
9. Die in a Crash (4:03)
10. End of Days, Part 1 (3:22)
11. End of Days, Part 2 (10:25)
Released March 23, 2012
CD Track Listings:
1. Ghouldiggers (7:41)
2. Double Tap (4:06)
3. FreeFall (4:36)
4. Kleptocracy (3:54)
5. United Forces (4:53)
6. 99 Percenter (3:53)
7. Relapse (5:49)
8. Weekend Warrior (5:43)
9. Git up Get Out ‘n Vote (3:59)
10. Bloodlust (5:37)
11. Relapse (7:06)
From Beer to Eternity
Released September 10, 2013
CD Track Listings:
1. Hail to His Majesty (05:17)
2. Punch in the Face (05:00)
3. PermaWar (04:56)
4. Perfect Storm (04:56)
5. Fairly Unbalanced (04:15)
6. The Horror (03:33)
7. Side FX Include Mikey’s Middle Finger (T.V.4) (05:14)
8. Lesson Unlearned (03:16)
9. Thanx But No Thanx (08:21)
10. Change of Luck (07:16)
11. Enjoy the Silence (02:39)
Released March 9, 2018
CD Track Listings:
1. I Know Words
2. Twilight Zone (8:03)
3. Victims of a Clown
4. TV5/4Chan
5. We’re Tired of It
6. Wargasm (6:19)
7. Antifa (4:56)
8. Game Over
9. AmeriKKKa
Moral Hygiene
Released October 1, 2021
CD Track Listings:
1. Alert Level (6:04)
2. Good Trouble (3:53)
3. Sabotage Is Sex (5:10)
4. Disinformation (4:46)
5. Search and Destroy – Stooges (4:28)
6. Believe Me (5:52)
7. Broken System (5:57)
8. We Shall Resist (4:30)
9. Death Toll (3:24)
10. TV Song #6 (3:06)
In Case You Didn’t Feel Like Showing Up
Released September 4, 1990
CD Track Listings:
1. The Missing (3:36)
2. Deity (3:38)
3. So What (11:29)
4. Burning Inside (6:23)
5. Thieves (5:09)
6. Stigmata (9:30)
Just Another Fix
Released January 1, 1995
CD Track Listings:
1. Scarecrow (8:20)
2. Just One Fix (4:36)
3. Hero (3:13)
4. Psalm 69 (5:02)
5. TV Song (2:22)
6. N.W.O. (6:56)
Released April 9, 2002
CD Track Listings:
1. Psalm 69 (5:03)
2. Crumbs (3:53)
3. Reload (2:33)
4. Filth Pig (6:30)
5. Just 1 Fix (4:38)
6. N.W.O. (6:03)
7. Hero (2:37)
8. Thieves (5:13)
9. Scarecrow (7:56)
10. Lava (8:43)
11. The Fall (8:02)
Adios… Puta Madres
Released March 31, 2009
CD Track Listings:
1. Let’s Go (5:08)
2. Watch Yourself (5:14)
3. Life Is Good (4:20)
4. The Dick Song (5:43)
5. The Last Sucker (6:30)
6. No W (3:01)
7. Waiting (5:12)
8. Worthless (4:18)
9. Wrong (5:14)
10. Rio Grande Blood (4:34)
11. Señor Peligro (3:50)
12. Lieslieslies (5:21)
13. Khyber Pass (8:46)
Live Necronomicon
Released July, 2017
CD Track Listings:
1. Breathe (8:37)
2. The Missing (3:37)
3. The Deity (3:29)
4. Man Should Surrender (3:54)
5. No Bunny (6:15)
6. Smothered Hope (5:11)
7. So What (11:18)
8. Burning Inside (6:38)
9. Thieves (5:09)
10. Stigmata (9:52)
11. Public Image (2:47)
12. The Power of Lard (8:11)
13. Hellfudge (7:03)
14. The Land of Rape & Honey (5:36)
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