Top 10 Beach House Songs

Beach House Songs

Feature Photo: Christian Bertrand /

Our Top 10 Beach House Songs list takes a look at an alternative rock and pop band. They are an independent band that wants to play by their own rules. They could have performed in bigger venues, but they wanted to play for small audiences. The band features singer and musician Victoria Legrand and backup singer and musician Alex Scally. They formed their band in 2004. Their eponymous album helped them gain indie fans such as Grizzly Bear. Grizzly Bear took the band on tour. Some of their singles include “Gila,” “Zebra,” “Norway,” “Used to Be,” “Some Things Last a Long Time,” “Lazuli” as well as others.

Beach House formed their band in 2004. They met at an indie rock scene. They wrote songs together for a while before they had their big break. They came up with their name by brainstorming. When they stopped trying to come up with a name it came to them. Victoria Legrand thought it was better for their band to consist of two people because they could achieve things easier.

Their eponymous album came out in 2006. The album features the singles “Master of Known,” “Apple Orchard,” “Saltwater” and “Childhood.” The album sold over 24,000 copies. Devotion was released in 2008. The album peaked at number 195 on the Billboard 200 charts. The album features the singles “You Came to Me,” “Heart of Chambers,” “SomeTthings Last a Long Time” and “Astronaut.” The album sold over 49,000 copies. Teen Dream was released in 2010. The song peaked at number 9 on the rock charts and number 43 on the Billboard 200 charts. The album features the singles “Zebra,” “Silver Soul,” “Norway,” “Take care” and “Used to Be.” The album sold over 143,000 copies. Bloom came out in 2012. It peaked at number 3 on the rock charts and number seven on the Billboard 200 charts. The album features the singles “Myth,” “Lazuli” and “Other People.”

Depression Cherry came out 2015. It peaked at number one on the independent albums and number 8 on the Billboard 200 charts. It features the singles “PPP,” “Levitation” and “Sparks.” Thank You’re Lucky Stars came out in 2015. It peaked at number 39 on the Billboard 200 charts. It features the singles “Somewhere Tonight,” “Majorette” and “Elegy to the Void.” 7 was released in 2018. The album peaked at number three on the rock charts and number 20 on the Billboard 200 charts. It features the singles “Lemon Glow,” Dive,” “Dark Spring,” “Black Car” and “Lose Your Smile.” Once Twice Melody came out in 2022. It peaked at number one on the rock charts and number 12 on the Billboard 200 charts. It features the singles “Once Twice Melody” and “Hurts to Love.”

Beach House is a band that plays their own rules. They may not be the biggest act in music, but they have a loyal fanbase. They want to make the type of music they want to make. They believe people need music and that’s what they wanted to make. Our Top 10 Beach House Songs list features their best songs.

# 10 – Apple Orchard

The first song on our Top 10 Beach House Songs list is “Apple Orchard” from their eponymous album. The song has an alternative rock and pop beat. The melancholic song is about being in love with someone who is sad and reassuring them that things are going to work out. She notices that something is wrong and wants him to lie down like they used to do.

The song will hit close to home for you if you have ever been in a relationship with someone who is depressed. It’s your job to make sure that the person feels better. She wants her man to feel better. You don’t hear too many songs like this often. This song will have you in your feelings as soon as it starts.

“Apple Orchard” is a creative title for a song like this. You would have to listen to the lyrics to understand the meaning of the song. Victoria Legrand found a different way of expressing her love for the man in her life. She is a talented songwriter who can make her point without having her tracks sound like any other songs. The music is somber to match the mood she set for the track.

It doesn’t sound like anything else on the radio. The music will put you an emotional place. Victoria Legrand’s vocals are emotive. She makes you feel every word she sings. Her voice blends in with the music. She vocally matches the instruments to a point where she blends in with the music. You might have trouble deciphering her voice from the music since she blends in so well. This is the type of track you can hear repeatedly and not get tired of it.

# 9 – Gila

The next song on our Top 10 Beach House Songs list is “Gila” from the album Devotion. The song has an alternative rock and pop sound. The mysterious song is about someone who believes they can recreate their past relationship only to find out that it no longer works. Recreating the past would inevitably hurt their futures.

It may also hurt their children’s futures. She tells the guy that he has multiple lovers that he likes to have in his life. She tells the story in a way that indicates that she could be married and has children with him. The word “Gila” has different meanings in different languages so you may have to interpret the lyrics the way you see fit.

The song takes heartache and bitterness to a different level. She is definitely hurt by her former lover. Singing about relationships isn’t anything new, but Beach House manages to put a different spin on it. The music has a euphoric feel to it. It will make you feel like you are in a peaceful place. The music is unique and dark. There are sound effects in the background that don’t really fit, but don’t hurt the song.

Victoria Legrand’s vocals are impressive. She stays in character throughout the track. She sings the song in a way that will make you wonder if this song is personal to her or not. She holds little notes in the chorus. She gets a chance to stretch her vocal ability because she does runs at the end of the song. You wouldn’t think that she was going to take that risk, but she surprises you. She saves the best part of the song for last.

# 8 – Wedding Bell

The song ” Wedding Bell,” is from the album Devotion. The song has an alternative rock and pop sound. The sad song is about a couple who have been together for a long time. One of them wants to get married while the other isn’t sure about getting married. The hesitant one agrees to the marriage but doesn’t want to do it.

He or she is insecure about their feelings but agrees to get married because they want to feel safe. The person is afraid to hurt their lover by refusing to get married. This is something that happens a lot, but isn’t often talked about in songs. People usually want to get married when they are in long-term relationships so it’s unusual to hear about someone who doesn’t want to get married.

This track is another one that gets an A+ for originality. The song title is misleading. You might think the song is about a couple getting married only to find out the reason why one-half of the pair wants to get married. Beach House has a way of making you think their songs are about one thing when they’re really about something else. They like to leave the listeners guessing.

It’s a good thing because their songs aren’t like everyone else’s tracks. They find a way to put original spins on subjects that different artists discuss. They could have written a happy song about a wedding, but they chose a dark side. We are here for originality so we applaud the band for writing a song like this one. Victoria Legrand doesn’t disappoint vocally. She does an amazing job singing this song. She gives the song her all.

# 7 – Walk in the Park

The descriptive song is from the album Teen Dream. The song has an alternative rock and pop beat. The heartfelt song is about losing the person you love and finding a way to deal with the loss. People take walks in the park to clear their heads. This reference is suitable for this song because you may need to take a walk to help deal with the loss of a love. The song talks about what’s missing in your life when the person you love is no longer with you. The song will resonate with anyone who has lost someone they loved. It could be through a breakup or death.

Beach House is definitely an original band. They are talented songwriters. They find ways to take titles that sound like happy songs and make them into deep and meaningful songs. When you think about a “walk in the park” it sounds like a good thing. If you go deeper and listen to the lyrics, you will know this isn’t a happy love song after all. This is the track that will make you think about losing someone you love.

The song will give you chills. The music is haunting and beautiful. Beach House stepped outside of their comfort zone and tried a different sound. The song is synth friendly. Their other tracks are guitar friendly. The song needs a little more tempo, but it doesn’t hurt the track. We applaud them for trying something different.

Victoria Legrand’s voice sounds very pretty on this song. She utilizes the power in her voice with this track. She belts and her voice doesn’t break. You may find yourself singing along with her especially if you are dealing with a lost love.

# 6 – Other People

The direct song is from the album Bloom. The song has an alternative rock and pop sound. The cathartic song is about the end of a relationship. She talks about how people feel at the end of a relationship. Some people can be friends while other people hate each other. She expresses how it feels when you try to keep in touch with people, but you don’t always do it. She talks about how some people can keep their former loves in their lives and others can’t look at them. If you are torn in a relationship, this song might appeal to you. You might have been down the road she’s taking us on in the song.

The song is emotionally direct and will make you pay attention to what she’s saying. The music has a breezy feel to it. We can’t express how gorgeous the music is. They are an indie band, but this song has a crossover appeal. The guitar drives the beat. The keyboard is infectious.

This track has tempo and it will allow you to bop your head to it. This is one of the few songs on our list that doesn’t have a melancholy beat. You could easily forget the song is about the end of a relationship when you listen to the beat. It has a cheerful vibe to it. Victoria Legrand’s voice is a gift from God.

She sounds angelic on this song. She sings it in her lower register. You might not recognize her vocals on this track at first. Beach House’s diehard fans may recognize her vocals, but casual listeners may not know who she is. Her vocals are layered on this song and that was a good choice.

#5 – Take Care

The next song on our Top 10 Beach House Songs list is “Take Care” from the Teen Dream album. The song has an alternative rock and pop beat. The intense song is about someone who has issues with their relationship. She wants the guy to look deep into their relationship and see it for what it really is. The band is comfortable writing about relationships.

They stick with what works for them. We can’t argue with that at all. They have a formula and they want to go with what works for them. The music is enchanting. The music doesn’t sound like anything you’ve heard before. The track is string friendly. She takes a chance on this track. She sounds similar to Adele on this song. Her vocals are deeper than they are on their other tracks.

You might be surprised to find out Victoria Legrand is singing this song. Her vocals might make you do a double-take. We’re not saying this is a bad thing. She sounds different. We are proud of her for showing versatility in her vocals.

# 4 – Sparks

The somber song is from the album Depression Cherry. The song has an alternative rock and pop beat. The dreamlike song is difficult to decipher. We aren’t quite sure what this song is about, but we’re here for it. You may have to read the lyrics to be able to determine what this song means to you. They wrote this song to send a message. They wanted the music and words to be a feeling. We can’t pinpoint what that feeling is, but they did an excellent job with it. This is a unique song that takes you on a different type of journey.

This is the type of song that will have you feeling different emotions. The music hits you differently. This track has an international sound to it. It sounds like it was recorded in another country. This song may or may not be for everyone, but you have to give them credit for keeping things original. The producers had the music be the star of the track. The music dominates the song. The guitar solo will blow your mind. The solo is a highlight of the song.

If you continue to listen to the track, you will hear the pace changing. The music speeds up and slows down throughout the song. Victoria Legrand’s vocals are a little low on this song. She sings the song in her lower register. The music almost drowns her out. She has to sing in a deeper key in order to hear her sing the song. The tone of her voice is beautiful. She doesn’t sing in that tone too often, but her voice is breathtaking.

# 3 – Master of None

The indecisive song is from their eponymous album. The song has an alternative rock and pop beat. The reflective song is about a playboy who works his way from relationship to relationship. Despite being with a lot of women, he feels as if he will never be loved. He enjoys being with different women, but he can’t settle down and choose one that he loves.

He is a player, but he can’t find his true love. This tends to happen when you play the field. The title of the song makes sense because the guy has so many relationships, but he doesn’t have one person to love. This track will make you think especially if you are someone who enjoys playing the field.

The music will put you in a hypnotic state. The song combines old-school music with today’s sound. The keyboard, synth, and drums dominate this track. The music is engaging and you will be lost hearing it. Her vocals are superb. She does have to shout to be heard on this track. She would have been drowned out if she didn’t belt in the song. She sounds like an angel on this track.

Her voice soars while she’s singing the song. She starts the track singing softly and gets louder as the music builds up. She doesn’t do any vocal tricks in the song, but she didn’t need to do it. The song didn’t require her to do any vocal gymnastics. The song just needed her sweet voice to permeate throughout the track.

# 2 – Silver Soul

The touching song is from the album Teen Dream. The song has an alternative rock and pop sound. The romantic song is about someone falling in love again. The couple gets together after going through issues in the past. They don’t want their issues in the past to get in the way of their newfound love. Victoria Legrand is singing the song from the point of view of someone who has been in love before.

She doesn’t want the hurt to get in the way of her falling in love again. She even explains how it is happening again in the lyrics. If you are hesitant about falling in love because of past failures, this is the song for you to listen to. It will give you the hope that you shouldn’t give up on love. You can easily get past issues that may have haunted you before. This track will give you hope that you will find love again. You don’t have to let failure keep you from falling in love.

This track might bring you to tears because it’s deep. If you are in love, you will know exactly what she means. The music is fabulous. The string section dominates the song. You will be amazed at the talent displayed on this track. The music will put you in a hypnotic trance. The band harmonizes during the instrumental pauses of the song. The harmonies are incredible.

It may stay in your head even when the song is finished. What else can we say about Victoria Legrand’s vocals? She sounds amazing in this song. She sounds similar to Adele on this jam. She can do things with her voice that people can only dream of doing. You wouldn’t think she had it in her to belt because of the tone of her voice, but she nailed it. She almost turned this song into a power ballad. Her voice was strong enough to be heard over the loud music. We were very impressed.

# 1 – Used to Be

The number one song on our Top 10 Beach House Songs list is “Used to Be” from the album Teen Dream. The song has an alternative rock and pop sound. The gripping song is about two people in a relationship who used to be happed together, but now things have changed. They are living a lie by being together. They are afraid to let go of a love they once had. They realized they are better off breaking up.

The couple questions whether or not they can make their relationship work if they get back together. They know it will always come to the same ending. They decide to break up for a while to see if things will change. The theme has the makings of a soap opera. The song has a will they or won’t they theme to it. Listening to the track, you may find yourself rooting for the couple to get back together.

The music they created for the song is perfect. They threw everything but the kitchen sink on this track. They included a tambourine that helps make the music pop. The music builds up to a crescendo after the bridge. The guitar, piano, and percussion blend well together. The instrumentation is fire. This is the type of song where the music is just as good as the lyrics.

The song would work even if it were instrumental. Victoria Legrand sings in time with the piano melody. She has such a soulful sound on this track. She sings the song in her lower register and it’s just what the doctor ordered. The song showcases the strength of her vocals. She sounds very similar to Adele on this song. The song is an earworm that will be stuck in your head long after it’s done.

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