Top 10 Grimes Songs

Grimes Songs

Feature Photo: Christian Bertrand /

Our Top 10 Grimes Songs list looks at a popular singer, songwriter, musician and producer. She started releasing music in the late 2000s. Grimes rose to fame with her third album Visions. The album includes the hit singles “Genesis” and “Oblivion.” Her music ranges from r&b, dance, pop, hip hop and rock. Grimes likes to write songs about science fiction and feminism, She doesn’t follow the rules of other songwriters. She wants to be creative with her work. Grimes likes to use layers on her vocals to create an ethereal sound to her voice. You can notice it in several of her songs. She has been compared to Bjork, Julianna Barwick, Siouxsie Sioux, and Anya.

Claire Elise Boucher was born March 17, 1988. Grimes started writing music in 2007. She came up with her stage name based on her musical genre. She taught herself how to play music. One thing led to another and she released her debut album Geidi Primes. The album was released in January 2010. It features the singles “Rosa,” “Avi,” “Gambang” and “Beast Infection.”

Halfax was released in September 2010. It features the songs “Devon,” “Dream Fortress,” “Swan Song” and “My Sister Says the Saddest Things.” Visions came out in January 2012. The album peaked at number 98 on the Billboard 200 charts. It features the songs “Genesis, “Oblivion,” “Visiting Statue” and “Nightmusic.” Art Angels came out in November 2015. The album peaked at number 36 on the Billboard 200 charts. It features the singles “Flesh Without Blood,” “Realiti,” “Scream” and “Pin,” Miss Anthropocene was released in February 2020. The album peaked at number 32 on the Billboard 200 charts. It features the singles “Violence,” “So Heavy I Fell Through the Earth,” “My Name Is Dark” and “Delete Forever.”

Grimes isn’t your typical pop star. She goes by her own rules and thinks outside of the box when it concerns her songwriting ability. She may not be a mainstream artist, but that allows her to make the music she wants to make. Our Top 10 Grimes Songs list will shine a light on her unique songs.

# 10 — Scream ft. Aristophanes

The 10th song on our Top 10 Grimes Songs list is “Scream” from the Art Angels album. The song was released in August 2015. The song is about heartbreak and betrayal. The narrator talks about her best friend betraying her. She is having trouble getting over what her friend did to her. She is suffering from betrayal. The narrator can’t believe her friend hurt her the way she did. She never saw it coming.

She wants to hide away so she can’t hear her friend “scream.” Our narrator is ready to die because she put her trust in her friend and she got burned. She’s using self-harm to cope with her pain. Her friend is trying to reach out to her to explain herself. The narrator would rather harm herself than deal with her friend and her excuses.

The haunting song deals with a sensitive subject. It portrays how much pain the narrator is in because of the betrayal she faced. The lyrics are powerful and emotional. Grimes talks about two painful things. She talks about betrayal and self-harm. She is shining a light on how hard it is to deal with being betrayed. There aren’t too many artists who want to talk about handling problems through self-harm.

She is bringing attention to the subject. This song deals with raw emotions and we applaud her for that. It’s a guitar-laden track and that’s the perfect sound for the theme of the song. Grimes can be heard screaming in the background of the song and it fits because of the title of it. The music isn’t melancholy so you won’t be depressed while you’re listening to it. Screaming along with Grimes might be cathartic if you need to cry out for help.

# 9 — Take Me Away – Bleachers ft. Grimes

The ninth song on our Top 10 Grimes Songs list is “Take Me Away” from Bleachers’ Strange Desire album. The song was released in 2014. The song talks about forgiving someone after you have been betrayed. The narrator has been hurt by someone and is dealing with the pain. Despite the pain, the narrator is going through, he is willing to let the person take responsibility for what they did to him. He’s willing to let the person make things right.

He knows the person is remorseful so he’s willing to let the person fix it. The narrator has finally broken his silence with an angry scream over what the person has done to him. He realizes the person is desperate to get back in his good graces. He feels like a fool because he got hurt, but he understands the person is sorry. Our narrator wonders if he was better off alone. He’s waiting to find out if love will get them back together. If love doesn’t get them back together, he will stay by himself.

The stirring song talks about reconciliation. The song tells the story about someone who wants to get past the hurt and get to the point of forgiveness. “Take Me Away” is a reminder that even though we make mistakes, we can get past them. The power of forgiveness is a wonderful thing. We applaud Bleachers and Grimes for taking on a subject about forgiveness. Forgiving people can be hard so it means a lot to hear a song about it. This song is relatable to anyone.

The lyrics are universal and can be about relationships or friendships. They don’t specify what betrayal happened so you can interpret the song how you see fit. The song is written through our eyes because we can picture ourselves as the ones who were betrayed. Bleachers and Grimes worked well together on this song. Grimes isn’t in the song much, but she does make an impact while she is in the song. She gives the song the extra harmony it needs to take off. It’s a short song, but it gets to the point. It doesn’t take long to enjoy this hypnotic and infectious song.

# 8 — Love4eva Loona yyxy ft. Grimes

The eighth song on our Top 10 Grimes Songs list is “Love4eva” from Loona yyxy’s Beauty and the Beast album. The single was released in 2018. The track is about a woman in love, but she’s afraid to let him know. The song deals with how a woman feels when she can’t hide her feelings for someone anymore. She enjoys the way he smells. She doesn’t see anything but him. She feels like she’s becoming addicted to him.

She goes on his social media page and lurks on his timeline. He will never know how much she loves him because she doesn’t have the courage to tell him. She’s not sure what she should do about it. The narrator wants him to tell her about his story. There’s a bond between them. She wants him to get closer to her. Her heart melts being around him. She’s confused because she thought of him as a friend and now she’s in love with him.

The heartfelt song is about a woman who has fallen in love with a friend. She is nervous around him because she didn’t expect to fall for him. The song is about falling in love for the first time. The lyrics convey the excitement and fear of falling in love. We all know how the narrators feel. We have all been in a position where we are afraid to let someone know how we feel about them.

The story is told from a female’s point of view, but men can understand the song as well. The song is upbeat and enjoyable. The music may have you smiling. The synthesizer and drum beat will have you on the floor. The beat invites you to dance along. It will be a challenge to listen to the music and sit still. The song has an old school sound with today’s music. The music caters to all of their voices. Loona yyxy and Grimes have soprano vocals so the music is perfect for them. Their harmonies are excellent. They are from different musical worlds, but they were able to come together as one.

# 7 — Realiti

The seventh song on our list is “Realiti” from the Art Angels album. “Realiti” was released in March 2015. The song is about depression and isolation. This introspective song reflects on mortality. The narrator wants to talk about a world that was once full of possibilities. She used to feel alive because she felt loved. The narrator goes down memory lane and reflects on the time she spent with the person she loved.

They had good times together and thought about their mortality. They walked to cliffs and looked over the edge. They questioned if they would be the same people in death. They used to feel as if they were invincible, but reality has set in their lives. Every morning is a struggle to cope with reality. She feels alone even though she used to feel alive and full of life. She wants to know what happened and why she feels alone.

“Realiti” will have you in your feelings. She talks about loneliness and depression because something or someone is missing in her life. The song will make you think about simpler and better times in your life. The melancholic lyrics acknowledge the harsh realities in the world. The track is a reminder that the world isn’t always a beautiful place. It reminds you that we do tend to struggle in order to survive. The song is timely with what’s going on in the world today. It was written in 2015 and it’s still relevant today.

Grimes wrote a song that will make you think about your life. Depression is a topic that most of us are familiar with so it will resonate with listeners. It’s good to know that you are not alone when it concerns feeling depressed. The music sounds festive so it will put you in a better mood. If you are feeling depressed when you are listening to it, you might feel better. Grimes sounds ethereal and dreamy on the song. Her voice is inviting and she brings you in and you will be captivated by her charm.

# 6 — Cry – Ashnikko ft. Grimes

“Cry” is from Ashnikko’s Demidevil album. The single was released in June 2020. The song is about betrayal. The song opens with the narrator talking about being tough, but sensitive. She talks about being pushed over the edge. She is about to rip her hair out because she’s upset. She wants to call her friend, but she knows she can’t do it. Her friend betrayed her by being with her boyfriend and it destroyed her.

She doesn’t want her friend to touch her or she would hurt her. The narrator believes her friend is trying to make her “cry” or lose her mind. This is the worst time of her life. She wants her friend to repent for what she did. She warns her friend that she’s going to be violent and homicidal towards her. The narrator wants her friend to stay away.

“Cry” is a bitter song about a friend’s betrayal. She is so angry about her friend being with her man that she feels like she’s being pushed over the edge. Since she’s pushed over the edge, she can do anything. She’s willing to be violent. She is telling an honest tale about betrayal. Most of us would want to hurt the person who betrays us. It’s even worse when it’s your friend that hurts you. The song is a lesson to be mindful of how you treat other people because you never know what they will end up doing to you.

This is a story that you would see in a movie or read in a book. There is a lot of drama involved in this story. It’s a juicy story that will hold your interest until they are done with it. The sizzling beat has a futuristic sound. The music will get to you as soon as it starts. You will be hooked on it. Ashnikko and Grimes sound great on the track. Their vocals are stacked in the song. Ashnikko comes down an octave while Grimes goes up an octave. The contrast of their voices is incredible. It was a good move because their voices sound good like that. Their voices sound magical together. They sound angry on the song and that’s what it needs to be powerful.

# 5 — Oblivion

The next song on our Top 10 Grimes Songs list is “Oblivion” from the Visions album. “Oblivion” was released in August 2011. The song is about feeling alone and unsafe. The narrator is afraid to be alone at night because she thinks someone will hurt her. She is worried that someone will come up behind her and hurt her. She doesn’t check her surroundings. She always looks straight ahead. The narrator wishes someone could help her with her paranoia.

The song talks about the difficulties she faces looking for someone to hold her hand. She’s tough, but she needs someone to help her. She wants someone to look out for her. The narrator can protect herself, but she wants to be able to rely on someone because she feels alone. She wants someone to tell her that she won’t be in danger. She feels she will always be alone and unsafe.

The song tells the story of a person who is yearning for someone to help her. She’s tough, but she’s scared. She wants to know that someone is looking out for her. She wants someone to tell her that she’s okay. “Oblivion” teaches you that you don’t have to be strong all of the time. There are times when you need someone to lean on. The lyrics are powerful and are more realistic than we realize.

She shows a sign of vulnerability that we all face when we need help. It’s easy to tell this song is close to Grimes’ heart. It’s a personal song about her life and she lets the listeners in and expresses herself eloquently. The music is uplifting despite the dark theme. Grimes made the right call because the music keeps the song from being too depressing. Grimes vocals are angelic and blend in with the music. She sounds amazing on the song. Grimes’ vocals can soar into the stratosphere. She reaches heights that some artists can’t accomplish.

# 4 — Go ft. Blood Diamonds

“Go” is a non album single that was released in 2014. The song is about making memories last forever. The song opens with the narrator talking about her dreams feeling like memories. Her memories feel like they almost didn’t happen. She talks about time moving slowly when we’re waiting for something. Our narrator hopes that her dreams won’t be forgotten even if they don’t come to fruition. In the chorus, she talks about living it up with someone. When she goes she wants to go with the person. In the next verse, she talks about happy times in stupid dreams. She’s not sure if the moments are real. Even if the dreams aren’t real, she wants the experience and the dreams to be meaningful.

“Go” is a song about escapism. The song lets you know that it’s okay to dream and take your mind somewhere else. It doesn’t matter if the dreams don’t come true. The dreams may not come true, but it’s still important to dream. The theme of the song is timeless. People will always want to dream so this will never get old. She reinforces the idea that dreams have value and they should be cherished.

The music is soul stirring and fits with the theme of the song. The music is soft and doesn’t overpower Grimes’ vocals. Grimes hits high notes effortlessly. She sounds like she’s had operatic training because of how high she can soar. She remains in perfect pitch as she soars higher and higher. Her vocals are layered on the song and it allows you to hear different textures in her tone.

# 3 — Delete Forever

Coming in at number three on our list is “Delete Forever” from the Miss Anthropocene album. “Delete Forever” was released in February 2020. The song is about struggling with addiction. She’s going through a personal battle with addiction, but she feels like she can’t win. Our narrator has negative thoughts that she can’t escape. She enjoys her substance of choice. She doesn’t need a reason to use the substance. She’s never happy, but the only thing that makes her happy is her addiction.

The narrator doesn’t want to take drugs, but she loves it. She doesn’t want anyone to tell her that she doesn’t want to do it because she does. She tried everything, but she enjoys the feeling she gets when she takes drugs. People don’t understand how good it feels to be hooked on drugs. They don’t see the struggle she deals with every day. People have died from the addiction, but she can’t help herself. Their deaths are the reasons why she continues to take drugs.

This is a haunting song about addiction. The poignant lyrics talk about the impact addiction has on people’s lives. If you face addiction, you will understand the lyrics. If you aren’t battling addiction, it will give you an idea of what the person is going through. This song is also ideal for people who are watching the people they love succumb to their demons. Grimes wrote a powerful song about getting through addiction. Other artists have talked about addiction, but they don’t always pinpoint the difficulties that come with trying to get over it.

Some artists tend to glamorize addiction. Grimes gives you a look at a vulnerable person battling demons. It’s a testament to her talent that she was able to capture this feeling when she’s not an addict. The song is guitar and drum laden. The drums add tempo to the beat. Grimes sings in a lower octave for this song. It was nice to hear her sing in a lower pitch.

# 2 — Genesis

“Genesis” is from the Visions album. “Genesis” was released in January 2012. The song is about a woman in love. Our narrator feels like she’s never truly experienced love before. Her heart has never known what it was like to be in love. She finds out what love means when she falls in love with someone. Before she met him, she felt isolated and alone. She was just existing in life. When he came along everything changed.

Her heart finally felt something. The narrator describes her relationship with her lover. She feels like things are different because she’s used to being in love, but not having someone love her in return. He showed her that she could be loved by someone. This relationship means something to her because she never felt this way before.

This track gives Grimes a chance to talk about something that will make her happy. She talks about being in love. This song is different from most of the songs on our list. This song gives her a chance to talk about love. Grimes talks about how it feels to finally fall in love. This song is ideal for people who haven’t found love and are waiting for it. It gives you hope that you will fall in love.

The lyrics are captivating and will remind you that love is a powerful thing. The music is hypnotic and soothing. The softness of the music will give you a chance to reflect on the lyrics. The pace of the music starts softly and progresses into a cool electro-pop dance song. The music changes, but you can still reflect on the lyrics. The song caters to Grimes’ soprano vocals. Her vocals are layered. She sings in different pitches throughout the song.

# 1 — Flesh Without Blood

The number one song on our Top 10 Grimes Songs list is “Flesh Without Blood” from the album Art Angels. “Flesh Without Blood” came out in October 2015. The song is about the end of a friendship. The song opens with our narrator calling out a friend. She tells the friend how they used to tell each other how they felt every day. She used to see the light in her friend’s eyes. It occurs to our narrator that her friend never liked her in the first place.

She doesn’t see the light in her friend anymore and she doesn’t care. The friend destroyed their friendship. She wants her friend to let her go since she doesn’t need her. She has come to the realization that she doesn’t like her friend anymore. Her friend only liked her conditionally. Her friend was only interested in money and fame. The narrator tells her friend about the things they could have done together if their relationship wasn’t destroyed.

“Flesh Without Blood” is an angry song about a friendship that is destroyed. She goes into detail about what went wrong in the friendship. The lyrics might seem like they are about a romantic relationship, but that’s not the case. Grimes wanted to talk about the end of a platonic relationship. Some people do have falling outs with their friends so this song is just what they need to get their frustrations out.

The music has an old-school dance and pop sound. The music is vibrant and energetic despite the subject. If you listen to the melody, you would never know it was a bitter song. Grimes’ impressive vocals are the perfect match for the beat. She sounds happy considering it’s a song about the end of a friendship. Her vocals are pretty and sweet. She makes you want to sing along with her.

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