Top 10 Taylor Swift Songs About Friendship

Taylor Swift Songs About Friendship

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Our Top 10 Taylor Swift Songs About Friendship looks at songs about friendship. Taylor Swift is known for writing about the complexities of relationships. If you are a fan of Taylor Swift, you know that she writes songs about her personal life. In addition to relationships, she also writes about friendships. The same way she writes about the complexities of relationships is the same way that she does with friendships. She is just as passionate about her friendships as she is about her relationships. Her friendship songs explore different aspects of friendships. The songs range from hanging out with friends, being there for them, as well as falling in love with them. Chances are, you may have been through these situations with your friends. Our Top 10 Taylor Swift songs about friendship are a tribute to friendship.

# 10 – Hey Stephen

The 10th song on our Top 10 Taylor Swift Songs About Friendship is “Hey Stephen” from the Fearless album. It was released in 2008. “Hey Stephen” is about her having a crush on her friend named Stephen. She saw something in him that drew her to him. While they were walking together, she didn’t tell him everything she wanted to say. She admired him and thought he was the best. She found herself attracted to him.

Other girls were attracted to him too. The singer wanted him to realize how much she liked him. She doesn’t want things to change between them, but she wants him to realize that she wants to be with him. His looks are angelic which draws her to him. He’s perfect for her. She can think of many reasons why he should choose her.

“Hey Stephen” is a sweet song about a woman who has crush on her friend. The subject isn’t unusual. Most of us have had crushes on our friends. If you spend a lot of time together, it’s natural that you will develop feelings for you friends. Taylor Swift goes into detail about why she feels she’s the best choice for her friend. When we have crushes on our friends we don’t always have the courage to admit our feelings and Taylor Swift is the same way.

She didn’t have the courage to tell “Stephen” how she felt so she wrote it in a song. The song lets you know that you aren’t alone when you have feelings for your friend. She lets us know that she has been where we’ve all been when we have had a crush on our friends. “Hey Stephen” isn’t about gaining a friend. The song is about having feelings for a friend.

# 9 – Dear Reader

The ninth song on our Top 10 Taylor Swift Songs About Friendship is “Dear Reader” and appears on the Midnights (3AM Edition) album. The song came out in 2022. The singer wants people to have control over their lives and make their own choices. She doesn’t want them to rely on other people for advice. She talks about the world being a trap.

We must break free of it. To do that, we have to let go of our past lives and find our own way. Taylor Swift doesn’t want her friends to take advice from someone whose life is falling apart. Relying on the wrong people can be harmful. She wants her friends to find their own guiding light. It is important to stand up for ourselves and not give in to people pushing us around.

The overall message for “Dear Reader” is for her friends to stand up for themselves and not let anyone run their lives. Taylor Swift considers her “Swifties” her friends so this song is like getting advice from a friend. We all go through struggles, and we need the right people to have our backs. This is the message that Taylor Swift wants to get out to her fans.

She doesn’t want her friends to go through the pain and struggles she has gone through. This is a message we can give to our friends. This sounds like realistic advice to give to your friends when they are in trouble. Some of us have friends in this situation and we can use “Dear Reader” as a guide on how to help our friends.

# 8 – Forever Winter

The eighth song on our Top 10 Taylor Swift Songs About Friendships is “Forever Winter” from the Red (Taylor’s Version) album. It was released in 2021. It’s about a friend battling depression. Taylor Swift sets the story up by letting us know about a friend who is struggling with depression. He questions things in life. He doesn’t believe what he hears. He spends his nights wishing things were the way they used to be. She had no idea what he was going through.

Her friend seems fine most of the time. She didn’t realize he forced himself to smile and pretended to be okay. He opens up about what’s going on with him. She comes up with ways to help him solve his problems because she’s scared he will choose a different way to solve his problems. She checks on him again and he’s falling to pieces. She wishes she could do something to make his pain go away. She reassures him that she loves him and begs him not to leave her.

“Forever Winter” is a dark tale about friendship. Friendship isn’t just about hanging out and having fun. There are times when you or your friend will be suffering and need help. Taylor Swift detailed this scenario perfectly. She provided the listeners with a moving story about a person struggling with depression. You want to be there for your friends, but they don’t always open up about how they are dealing with their depression.

They pretend everything is okay. Taylor Swift wrote a story to help people with depression or other issues. This song is a way to encourage and support someone who needs help. If you have a friend who is hurting, this song may be what you need to help them open up about what is going on. The song is a reminder to be there when your friend needs you because you never know what’s going on with them.

# 7 – Tied Together with a Smile

The seventh song on our Top 10 Taylor Swift Songs About Friendship list is “Tied Together with a Smile.”  The song appears on her eponymous album. The song was released in 2006. It’s a song about Taylor Swift’s friend who was insecure about her looks. She replays a conversation she has with her friend about her insecurity and behavior. Taylor Swift reassures her friend that she’s beautiful. Unfortunately, her friend doesn’t believe that she’s pretty.

No one knows what her friend is going through because she doesn’t say anything. She’s “tied together with a smile,” but she’s becoming undone. Taylor Swift is concerned that her friend is using men as a replacement for love. The guys treat her friend badly and she doesn’t see it. The singer’s friend puts on fake smiles and pretends her life is perfect. As the song continues, she tries to convince her friend to stop thinking less of herself.

“Tied Together with a Smile” tells a story about being there for a friend who is suffering from low self-esteem. Taylor Swift wants her friend to feel beautiful. This friendship song is ideal for anyone who has a friend that doesn’t see the beauty in themselves. There are times when our friends are suffering from insecurity and need someone to make them feel better.

Taylor Swift wrote a song that will help listeners talk to their friends about their self-esteem issues. It will also reassure your friends that they are worthy of love. The song will help you if your friends feel as if they have to seek comfort from other people in order to be loved. If you aren’t sure what to say, let Taylor Swift provide the advice for you.

# 6 – Breathe ft. Colbie Caillat

“Breathe” is from the Fearless album. The single came out in October 2008. This is a song about the end of a friendship. The song opens with her seeing her friend’s face in her mind as she drives away. Neither of them thought their friendship was going to end that way. It’s killing her to see their friendship end after all this time. Friendship ending is something you don’t want to see. It’s a tragedy that will bring you down.

She doesn’t know what she’s going to do without her friend. Friendships ending are never easy. Her friend is the only one she knows like the back of her hand. She can’t “breathe” without her friend. She never wanted to see her friend hurt. Unfortunately, there’s nothing they can say that can mend their friendship. It isn’t easy for her to lose her friend.

“Breathe” is heartfelt song about the end of a friendship. The lyrics may read like the end of a romantic relationship, but it’s about the end of a friendship. A friendship ending can be a hard thing. It can even be worse than losing a romantic partner. You are losing someone who is close to you like family. Taylor Swift conveys the message of how bad we feel when we lose a good friend. It’s hard to deal with the aftermath of losing a friend.

It’s painful to lose a friend, but you must move on from it. If you have lost a friend, you will understand where she’s coming from in the song. Taylor Swift touched on the heartbreaking side of friendship. Singers don’t usually talk about losing friends so this was new territory. It reminds listeners how painful it is to lose a friend and the struggles they face to move on from it. This song may inspire you to hold on to important friendships.

# 5 – 22

The next song on our Top 10 Taylor Swift Songs About Friendship is “22” from the Red album. The song was released in March 2013. “22” is about having fun with your friends. The song begins with Taylor Swift getting ready for a girls’ night. She and her friends want to make fun of their exes. It’s the perfect night to eat breakfast at midnight and fall in love with strangers. They are happy, free, confused and lonely at the same time. Tonight is the night that they forget about their problems. She and her friends want to keep dancing like they are 22. It’s one of those nights where they are going to have fun.

“22” is a song about celebrating friendships. It explores the excitement of unlimited possibilities. It’s about letting your hair down and having fun with your friends. It’s a great theme about forgetting your troubles and feeling like you’re young and carefree. This friendship song is different from our previous entries. This song is about what friendships are all about. It’s about having fun with your friends.

Your friends can help you forget about your troubles. This fun song is just what the doctor ordered. We all want to have nights where we get to have fun with our friends and forget about everything else. Listening to this song may make you think about having fun with your friends. The upbeat music will be an invitation for you and your friends to have fun and dance all night. You can listen to this song while you’re out or while you’re at home.

# 4 – It’s Nice to Have a Friend

“It’s Nice to Have a Friend” is from the Lover album. The single was released in 2019. It’s a song about a woman who marries her childhood friend. Taylor Swift takes us on a trip down memory lane with a friendship that happens in stages. She reminisces about their time together growing up. She describes different things they did together when they were young. In the next verse, the friends open up to each other and talk about what stresses them out. He touched her hand out of the blue. Their friendship turns into something more. In the third verse, the friends get married.

“It’s Nice to Have a Friend” is a tender story about a friendship that turns into romance. Some of the best relationships begin when couples are friends first. Taylor Swift described a friendship that turned into something bigger. She describes a relationship most of us want to have. The hitmaker takes us on a couple’s beautiful journey on their road to marriage. The song explores how comfortable it is to fall in love with a friend.

We love how she wrote this song in stages. It gives us a picture of how their friendship developed into romance. There are times when close friends can become more than that especially if they spend a lot of time together. If you have married your childhood friend, Taylor Swift is telling your love story. This song proves that love and friendship can actually exist. The love they have for each other didn’t ruin their friendship.

# 3 – Fifteen

Coming in at number three on our list is “Fifteen” from the Fearless album. The song came out in August 2009. “Fifteen” is about a friendship that developed in school and lasted into adulthood. She talks about meeting her friend Abigail Anderson in high school. She and Abigail Anderson became best friends not long after they met. They are there for each other through love and heartbreak. They share everything with each other. Things aren’t always perfect in their lives, but they always have each other. When one is hurt the other one is there for her. Taylor Swift explains all the times Abigail Anderson has been there for her.

“Fifteen” is a celebration of a lifelong friendship. They were friends in high school and have remained friends throughout the years. Some people aren’t lucky enough to still be friends with people they met in school and this song is proof that you can still be friends after graduation. We liked how Taylor Swift talked about the times they were there for each other. High school can be tough so it’s great to have a friend who is there for you to help you get through the tough times.

Sometimes relationships can come between friendships, but they didn’t let that happen. They stood by each other. They make you wish you had a friend like that. It’s nice to have a friend who has your back. They could have lost touch after Taylor Swift became famous, but they managed to remain friends. She needs a loyal friend in her life so this was a beautiful dedication to her best friend.

# 2 – You Belong with Me

“You Belong with Me” appears on the Fearless album. It came out in April 2009. “You Belong with Me” is about a woman who falls for her friend, but he’s in a relationship. She has to listen to her friend talk about his problems with his girlfriend. She doesn’t understand his humor the way Taylor Swift does. Taylor Swift listens to the music his girlfriend doesn’t like. His girlfriend will never know him the way she does.

She’s a better match for him than his girlfriend. She dreams that he’ll realize that she’s the one he’s been looking for all along. In the next verse, she talks about spending time with him. She wishes they could always spend time together and have fun. The singer hasn’t seen him smile in a while. He says he’s fine, but she knows that he’s not. She wants to know why he’s with a girl like that when the one he’s looking for has been there all the time.

“You Belong with Me” is a friendship song about being in love with a friend. She yearns to be with her friend, but he’s involved with someone else. It can be frustrating to be in love with a friend who doesn’t see your feelings. It can be even worse when your friend is dating someone you know isn’t right for them. The song will resonate with people who have secretly been in love with their friends. If you can relate to this situation, you know how hard it is to want more from a friend and can’t have it. It tears at your heart to have to keep your feelings to yourself because you don’t’ want to ruin your friendship.

Taylor Swift makes you feel her pain as she talks about being the right woman for her friend, but she can’t tell him. The singer wrote about a situation that a lot of us have experienced in our lives. Taylor Swift truly captured the feeling of longing to be with your friend knowing that you can’t have them romantically. We respect the fact that she didn’t pursue him even though she was in love with him. She allowed her friend to be happy and that’s not easy to do. This is a song for people who have feelings for their friends, but have to endure watching them with someone else. The pain is even worse when the friend is with the wrong person.

# 1 – I’m Only Me When I’m with You

The number one song on our Top 10 Taylor Swift Songs About Friendship list is “I’m Only Me When I’m with You” and appears on her eponymous (deluxe) album. The song was released in 2006. This is another song about Taylor Swift’s friend Abigail Anderson. It’s about her not feeling herself when she’s not around her friend. Taylor Swift talks about spending time with her friend.

They enjoy spending time together. They may not speak, but she has everything she needs with her friend. She knows her friend very well and doesn’t want to live without her. Abigail Anderson’s presence uplifts her and makes her feel like a better person. Taylor Swift only feels good when Abigail Anderson is good. They are there for each other to console each other. They don’t hide anything from each other. No one understands her the way her best friend does. They know each other so well that they can be themselves around each other.

“I’m Only Me When I’m with You” is a tribute to her best friend. Abigail Anderson is true friend to her. She’s the type of friend who will be loyal and honest. She is Taylor Swift’s ride or die. We all want a friend like her in our lives. Taylor Swift wrote the words we would love to say to our friends. She depicts the way we would all feel if we lost our best friend. If your best friend completes you the way she completes Taylor Swift  this song will hit close to home for you.

We all want a friend that we can feel free with all the time. The lyrics of the song are deceptive because they read as if she’s talking about a love interest when she’s talking about her friend. Taylor Swift has a clever way of writing because her lyrics have multiple meanings. “I’m Only Me When I’m with You” will have you examining your own friendships. Can you live without your best friend? Does your best friend make you feel whole?

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