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Our Top 10 Frank Ocean Love Songs list looks at a man who records introspective songs that will make you think. He writes songs about the ups and downs about love. He doesn’t stick to the textbook definition of love songs. He plays by his own rules. He doesn’t write songs that you have heard before. He is creative with his songwriting skills. He likes to experiment when it comes to love. He writes songs about his love for women as well as his love for men. Frank Ocean also writes spiritual songs about love that will make you feel like you were in church. You never know what to expect with Frank Ocean. He keeps things interesting when it concerns his love songs. You will never be able to accuse him of copying anyone else’s style when it concerns recording love songs. Our Top 10 Frank Ocean Love Songs list features his best love songs.
# 10 – Chanel
The first song on our Top 10 Frank Ocean Love Songs list is “Chanel.” This non album single was released in 2017. The reflective song is about a man who is on his mind. He thinks about him all the time. He talks about what he loves about the man he cares about. He makes a strange comparison to the brand Chanel. He enjoys the feminine side to the man he loves. He loves the fact that he is sensitive when he needs to be. He believes that the man he loves is pretty like a girl. The groundbreaking song is about his attraction to his male lover.
As Frank Ocean’s fans know, he revealed that he’s bisexual. This is one of the first songs he recorded that refers to him talking about his relationship with a man. He accepts his sexuality and wants to address that he’s in love with the man in his life. If you dissect the lyrics, he expresses how he’s attracted to men and women. He talks about the man in his life being the only one he loves. Regardless of who you love, you can still enjoy this song. If you are in a relationship, you can understand what Frank Ocean means by the comparisons he makes in the song. This is a song that will make you think because it’s a creative song about love and attraction.
# 9 – Pink Matter ft. Andre 3000
The next song on our Top 10 Frank Ocean Love Songs list is “Pink Matter” from the album Channel Orange. Channel Orange was released in 2012. The descriptive song is about him talking about women being good and bad for you. He explains how much he desires the woman in his life. She is everything he dreams about in a woman. If he could create the perfect woman, she would be the one he would create. If you were wondering about the meaning behind “pink matter,” Frank Ocean is talking about a female’s intimate area. This song explores the sexual side to love. Love isn’t just about holding hands and cuddling. Couples who get close want to be intimate. He’s ready for the intimate side of their relationship.
The sensual song is a sexual dedication to the woman he loves and desires. He misses her when she’s gone. “Pink Matter” isn’t just about sex. It’s about expressing how much you love the person in your life. He wants to make love to her, but he wants more than that. He wants a relationship with her. Singers don’t usually talk about women’s feminine areas. They talk about female’s bodies, but they don’t talk about the front lower region. Frank Ocean created a way to talk about it without making it sound vulgar. He found a way to romanticize his description. Andre 3000 is along for the ride. He plays the guitar and raps on the track. Frank Ocean’s vocals are strong on this track. He sounds similar to Kevin Ross on this song. His vocals can put you in a seductive mood.
# 8 – At Your Best (You Are Love)
“At Your Best (You Are Love)” is from the album Endless. Endless was released in 2016. The celebratory song is about someone he loves. He wants to show his gratitude to the lover in his life. He wants the person in his life to know that they are a positive force for him. He loves the person dearly. He doesn’t specify if he’s referring to a romantic interest or to someone else who matters to him. He expresses his love for someone in his life. If you have someone in your life that means anything to you, this song is for you. This is a love song that could apply to anyone in your life. You can interpret the love either way because he doesn’t specify who he’s talking about in the song.
This track is a cover of the Isley Brothers and Aaliyah’s song. Frank Ocean wanted to do a tribute to Aliyahh so he wanted to do her version of the song. He sings the majority of the song in falsetto to imitate the way she sang her version of the song. He sounds like Michael Jackson when he sings in falsetto. The music is stripped down to the piano chords so you can focus on his silky and smooth vocals. He reaches for the stars when he hits high notes. He did a beautiful rendition of the song. This is the perfect song to dance to when you are with the person you love.
# 7 – Self-Control ft. Yung Lean and Austin Feinstein
“Self-Control” is from the album Blond/Blonde. Blond/Blonde was released in 2016. The yearning song is about a man who still has feelings for someone he used to date. He wants to admit that he is still in love with the special someone who was in his life. His confession wouldn’t go over easy because there’s a situation. The person he loves is also dating someone else. The narrator and the ex are still in love with each other, but the ex-lover isn’t free to be with him. This song is relatable to anyone who can’t get over an ex-lover. They continue to be drawn to each other even though the ex-lover is involved with someone else.
This ballad is a love song, but lovers don’t always end up together. Frank Ocean’s character in the song found himself longing for someone who belongs to someone else. He wants the person back, but the road to reconciliation isn’t a smooth one for him. He will have to work hard to get the person back because his ex-lover moved on with someone new. The song is an acoustic ballad. This is a song you can listen to with a drink in your hand. It will make you think about the lover you might have let get out of your life. He wants the person to miss him if they can’t be together. You will hope that you can hold on to your lover after hearing Frank Ocean pour his heart out to his ex-lover.
# 6 – Cayendo
“Cayendo” is a non album single that was released in 2020. The gut wrenching song is about a man who can’t get over an ex-lover. He can’t keep his mind off his former lover. He dreams about his former flame all the time. He wants to get his former lover back in his life. The theme is similar to “Self-Control.” It does have a twist. He’s not sure if his former flame feels the way he does. He’s okay with it if his ex-lover doesn’t love him anymore. He will continue to carry a torch for his ex-lover. Love isn’t just about candy and flowers. There are times when love can hurt. Frank Ocean covered that topic effortlessly.
The song will cut deep if you are in a similar situation. He can’t decide if he should let the person go or continue to pine after his ex-lover. His hands are tied about what to do. This is a realistic tale about a potential one-sided love story. If you haven’t been in this situation, you might end up being in it at some point. This track will teach you to decide how you want to handle a situation like this one with your ex-lover. Frank Ocean does such a good job conveying his emotions that even if you haven’t gone through the situation, you can feel empathy for him. It may also make you miss the love you used to have with your former flame. This is the perfect example of a great singing and songwriting.
# 5 – Ivy
The next song on our Top 10 Frank Ocean Love Songs list is “Ivy” from the album Blond/Blonde. Blond/Blonde was released in 2016. The lovelorn song is about him feeling heartbroken over a relationship that ended. He has to deal with the pain of the relationship ending. He feels like they were both responsible for what happened in their relationship. He thinks about the pain and heartache of his last relationship. Despite what happened in their relationship, he doesn’t regret anything about it. He’s happy for the time he had with his former lover. He misses the good times they had together. Frank Ocean wants to convey the message that it’s better to have loved than not to have loved at all. He would rather regret the relationship ending than not know what it was like to have fallen in love with his ex-lover.
Your heart will ache listening to this song. This is a raw song about a relationship ending even though your feelings are still very much alive. Frank Ocean doesn’t want to be hurt again, but he wants to fall in love again. This song will teach you to acknowledge your hurt, but don’t let it consume you to a point where you can’t fall in love. The melancholy beat was an excellent choice for this somber song. The music will have you in your feelings immediately. This song will make you thankful that you have your love in your life. If you don’t have your love in your life, you will be able to understand how Frank Ocean feels in this song.
# 4 – Miss You So
“Miss You So” is from the album Lonny Breaux Collection. The Lonny Breaux Collection came out in 2010. The touching song is about a man who lost the woman he loves. She left him and he was heartbroken about it. She took everything when she left except his heart. He may have nothing to remember his lover by, but he does have the memories of her in his head. He’s afraid the memories will fade away. He never wants to forget her. He’s afraid that memories don’t last for long. You might be questioning why a sad song is on our love song list. He’s still in love with her and wants something to remember her by. He needed the pictures to have a memento of her. Love isn’t just about falling in love. Love is also about heartache and pain. If you are in love, you might get your heart broken if the person leaves.
Frank Ocean lays his vulnerability on the table for his former flame on this track. This unrequited tale will open your eyes about the reality of love and what happens to the person who is still in love. When you’re happy you live in a fantasy world when it comes to love. When you get heartbroken you are faced with the reality of love. This catchy tune has an upbeat sound. It keeps you from feeling depressed if you are dealing with heartbreak. The music will put a smile on your face. He sings the song in an upbeat way and not from a place of sadness. Frank Ocean will show you that you may be down, but you don’t have to be out as long as you have your memories of the person you love.
# 3 – Provider
“Provider” is from the album Blond/Blonde. Blond/Blonde was released in 2016. The contemplative song is about a man who wants to consider being back with someone he’s not with anymore. He wonders if he should get back together with his former flame. He’s willing to change his life for the person he loves. He wants to be the “provider” and that’s something they agreed on when they were together. He wanted to provide for the person he loves. They were supposed to have a beautiful home and have children together. They thought they would be together forever if they were in a suburban area.
Frank Ocean’s character in the song is torn. He wants to have a life with his former flame, but they aren’t together anymore. He finds himself thinking about his ex and wondering if they could make it work again. This is a heartfelt story about possibly rekindling a flame. Most of us have thought about getting back together with someone we love. He contemplates getting his former lover back and having the life they dreamed of having. When you are in love it’s okay to think about the things you want to do together. His heart is broken, but he still thinks there’s a chance he could get his former flame back. If you are torn about whether to take your former lover back, this is going to be your jam.
# 2 – Godspeed ft. Kim Burrell
“Godspeed” is from the album Blond/Blonde. Blond/Blonde came out in 2016. The sentimental song is about a man who has to let go of a former lover. He is getting closure on a former flame. He wants to tell his ex-lover the things he didn’t get a chance to say. He wants to let the person know that he will always be there when his former lover needs him. He will love his ex-lover forever. He’s letting go of his claim on his ex-lover. He doesn’t want to smother his ex. He let his former flame know that the person can always come home to him. The door will always be open. He wishes his lover well even though the person is gone. He wants to wish his ex-lover the best. He assures his ex that he will always be there regardless of what happens.
The narrator is dealing with swallowing his pride and allowing his ex-lover to walk away. He will always love his ex until the day he dies. The lyrics are meaningful. It’s hard to be the bigger person and let the person you love go. Love means making sacrifices and that’s what Frank Ocean does in “Godspeed.” The song has a gospel feel which makes the song more heartfelt. It’s a powerful song with a meaningful message behind it. The powerful song even includes gospel singer Kim Burrell. She has a small role in the song, but she has a memorable part. She helps give the song a gospel feel. They are an unlikely pair, but they work well together. They proved you don’t have to sing the same genre to be able to make incredible music together.
# 1 – Thinkin’ ‘Bout You
The number one song on our Top 10 Frank Ocean Love Songs list is “Thinkin’ ‘Bout You” from the album Channel Orange. Channel Orange was released in 2011. The reminiscent song is about a man thinking about an ex-lover. He can’t get the person out of his head. He questions whether or not his ex-lover moved on with someone else. He wonders if the person is still in love with him. He reflects on the fact that his ex-lover was his first love. He wants to keep their love alive. He’s been thinking about what would happen if they were still together. He wanted to be with her forever. Most of us have hoped that someone we love would still have us on their minds. Being in love with someone who is no longer around can be tough. This song will resonate with people who know what it’s like to lose someone that you still love.
This track covers the heartache side of love. Heartbreak is the sister/brother of being in love. You may not be able to have one without the other. Frank Ocean understands how it feels to love someone even though the person is gone. He said that their relationship would never get old. He will think about his love forever. Frank Ocean sings this song in his normal tone and in falsetto. He can serenade you as you think about your relationship. This song will have you in your feelings as you wonder what’s going on with the person you love. You might be thinking about all the good times you had together. If you play this song for your former lover, you might get them back in your life.
Top 10 Frank Ocean Love Songs article published on Classic RockHistory.com© 2022
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