Feature Photo: Debby Wong / Shutterstock.com
Our Top 10 Biggest Boyz II Men Hits list looks at the most popular songs by one of the best-selling groups in r&b music. They have been on the music scene since 1991 and are still going strong. Boyz II Men have sold millions of records over the years. At one point, they had the Midas touch. It seemed like almost everything they released turned to platinum or gold. They have numerous hit singles. They are among the elite that had their songs spend the most time at number one. For now, Boyz II Men are sixth for spending the most weeks at number one. As of now, they are the third act to replace themselves at number one on the Billboard Hot 100 charts. Our list will be compiled of 10 of their biggest hits.
# 10 – Uhh Ahh
The 10th song on our Top 10 Biggest Boyz II Men Hits list is “Uhh Ahh” from their CooleyHighHarmony album. The single was released in 1991. The song peaked at number 16 on the Billboard Hot 100 charts. It may have missed the Top 10, but it was a big success on the R&B/Hip-Hop Singles charts. The song topped the charts on that list. It was their second number one single on the R&B/Hip-Hop charts. The song is about love and physical intimacy between a couple. They discuss the passionate moments shared between them. The title of the song represents the pleasure they feel during lovemaking.
“Uhh Ahh” captures the passionate moments during lovemaking. Boyz II Men recorded a seductive song that was perfect in the bedroom. It delves into the intensity and passion felt during time with your partner. This is a track you will want to hear with the kids out of the room. You can listen to the song with your partner especially when the mood hits you. Boyz II Men keep the song classy without any vulgarity.
They romanticize that special moment with your partner. This song was an early breakout hit for the group. It had heavy rotation on quiet storm radio. It’s still popular with the fans today. Boyz II Men’s smooth vocal delivery allowed this song to be an R&B staple on radio stations. The group’s harmonious skills were showcased in this song which contributes to the impact it made in music.
# 9 – A Song For Mama
The ninth song on our Top 10 Biggest Boyz II Men Hits list is “A Song for Mama” from the Evolution album and the Soul Food Soundtrack. The single was released in 1997. The song reached number seven on the Billboard Hot 100 charts and peaked at number one on the R&B/Hip-Hop charts. The song spent two weeks at number one on the R&B/Hip-Hop charts. It’s their 11th Top 10 hit song.
The single sold over one million copies. It’s a beautiful tribute to the group’s mothers. They go into detail about the love and gratitude they have for their mothers. They love their mothers because of everything they’ve done for them. Boyz II Men want to acknowledge the sacrifices their mothers made for them when they were growing up.
“A Song for Mama” is a touching tribute to mothers. They wanted to take the time to acknowledge the things their mothers’ have done for them throughout the years. The Babyface penned track will bring tears to your eyes. This track will teach you to appreciate your mother. This song is the perfect dedication for mothers who are here and who are no longer with us.
This song is an instant fan favorite because it gives listeners a chance to focus on their mothers and everything their mothers have done for them. If you love your mother, this song will hit you differently. The song could be used to celebrate Mother’s Day. It was written for the movie Soul Food, but you don’t have to watch the movie to appreciate the song. It’s a standalone song. Listeners can dedicate it to their own mothers. This song had crossover appeal and was a hit on different charts.
# 8 – In the Still of the Nite (I’ll Remember)
The eighth song on our Top 10 Biggest Boyz II Men Hits list is “In the Still of the Nite (I’ll Remember)” and appears on The Jacksons: An American Dream Miniseries Soundtrack. The song came out in 1993. It peaked at number three on the Billboard Hot 100 charts. The single sold over one million copies. This song is about the guys loving the women in their lives and wanting to hold on to them forever. They reminisce about the times they spent with their ladies. They want to hold on to those moments forever. They don’t want to lose the love they shared at the time. Boyz II Men love their ladies and promise not to let go of them.
“In the Still of the Nite (I’ll Remember)” is a tender song about holding on to the love you feel in the moment. This is a cover of a song by the group The Five Satins. Boyz II Men kept the doo wop version sound for their version of the song. They included their signature harmonies to make the song their own. Boyz II Men brought new life to the classic song. They capture the emotions from the original version.
The talent they displayed in this song is a testament to how great Boyz II Men are. They are in tune with one another and work great together. They were able to take a song that was done by another group and made it their own. Boyz II Men helped make the song popular again. Fans enjoyed listening to the group’s signature harmonies throughout the song.
# 7 – Motownphilly
The seventh song on our list is “Motownphilly” from the CooleyHighHarmony album. The single was released in 1991. The song reached number three on the Billboard Hot 100 charts. The song sold over one million copies. The hit single is about the group honoring the Motown label as well as their hometown. They talk about their dreams of making it big when they were in school. They talk about how they made it in the music industry. Throughout the song, they talk about their humble beginnings and the doubts they had that they would make their dreams come true. Boyz II Men held on to their dreams despite doubts that they would achieve them.
“Motownphilly” is an anthem that celebrates positive affirmation. It teaches you the adage that if you believe it, you can achieve it. The song will give you hope that your dreams aren’t too big to achieve. This is the song that introduced fans to the talented group. The title of the song is an homage to Motown as well as their hometown. They were signed to Motown Records so it made sense for them to include it in their song. The group is from Philadelphia so they wanted to honor where they got their start. Fans fell in love with the catchy and upbeat song. They also fell in love with their smooth harmonies. This song set the stage for a successful string of hits that would follow this song.
# 6 – It’s So Hard to Say Goodbye to Yesterday
“It’s So Hard to Say Goodbye to Yesterday” appears on their CooleyHighHarmony album. The single was released in 1991. The song reached number two on the Billboard Hot 100 charts. It topped the R&B/Hip-Hop charts. It’s about the pain of letting someone or something go. It’s hard for the group to say goodbye to the memories of the past. It’s especially hard to let go of the good times that were shared. They went through bad times, but the good times meant more. It’s hard to believe that something permanent could end suddenly. It’s hard to let go of something they felt would last a lifetime.
“It’s So Hard to Say Goodbye to Yesterday” is a tearjerker about the pain of letting go. If someone or something means something to you, it’s hard to let go. This is another cover song on our list. This song was performed by Motown artist G.C. Cameron. Boyz II Men proved they are masters when it comes to cover songs. They took another cover song and turned it into a hit. Boyz II Men changed the song by making it an acapella version. G.C. Cameron’s version has instrumentation. He also sings it alone while most of the group contributes to the song.
The song is a reminder that nothing in life is guaranteed. All good things come to an end. Boyz II Men want to reflect on the moments they had before it ended. This song is ideal for people who have lost friendships or relationships. Fans enjoy the song because it’s comforting during tough times. They also love it because of Boyz II Men’s amazing harmonies. They were able to harmonize to an acapella song. Their voices sound like music. Boyz II Men’s version is decades old, but fans still appreciate it as if it just came out yesterday.
# 5 – Water Runs Dry
The next song on our Top 10 Biggest Boyz II Men Hits list is “Water Runs Dry” and appears on their II album. The track came out in 1994. The song climbed to number two on the Billboard Hot 100 charts. The song is about a couple who are on the verge of breaking up. They don’t talk anymore. They don’t express how they feel about each other. They ignore the pain they feel inside. Boyz II Men stress the importance of addressing the problems before it’s too late. They don’t want to wait until the “water runs dry” before they fix their relationship. They don’t want to make the biggest mistake of their lives by waiting until it’s too late to save their relationship.
“Water Runs Dry” teaches you to talk with your partner about the problems you have. You shouldn’t give up on your relationship without trying to work things out. It’s a warning not to wait for things to get too big to fix. This cautionary tale is an eyeopener in relationships. If you and your partner are having problems, you should try to fix them. The song is like getting good advice from a friend or a musical therapist.
Babyface penned another hit song for the group. He knows how to write the right songs for Boyz II Men. The song is well produced and showcases their unstoppable harmonies. It’s impossible not to love this song because they gave it their all. Boyz II Men proved that they didn’t suffer from the sophomore jinx. They weren’t one-hit wonders.
# 4 – Four Seasons of Loneliness
“Four Seasons of Loneliness” is from the Evolution album. The single was released in 1997. The single reached number one on the Hot 100 charts. The song is their fifth number one single. It sold over one million copies. “Four Seasons of Loneliness” is about the pain that’s felt after a relationship has ended. They talk about a man who can’t get past the love he lost. He longs for the happiness he felt when they were together. His life is empty without her by his side. He reminisces about the times they shared together. He won’t be able to find love again because of the love he has for her. He can’t escape the memories of their love. Each season stirs up different emotions.
“Four Seasons of Loneliness” is a heartfelt song about a man who can’t move on from his past relationship. The love he shared with her was so powerful that he can’t live without her. The song will make you feel emotional especially if you have lost someone you love. Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis captured the way it feels when you can’t move on with your life. Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis know what they are doing when they write songs. They brought out the best in Boyz II Men. They allowed Boyz II Men to do what they do best…harmonize. They showed the fans that they can sing heartfelt songs about heartache and pain. This is a classic r&b song that is still appealing after all these years.
# 3 – On Bended Knee
Coming in at number three on our list is “on Bended Knee” from the II album. The single was released in 1994. The track peaked at number one on the Hot 100 charts. This is the song that replaced their other big hit “I’ll Make Love to You” as number one on the charts. This was the first time an act replaced itself as number one since the Beatles did that with their songs. The single sold over one million copies.
The song is about a man who wants his ex-girlfriend to come back to him. He is “on bended knee.” He is willing to do whatever it takes to win her back. He takes responsibility for what he’s done wrong and will humble himself to her. Despite the problems they are facing, he is willing to fight to get her back in his life. He wants a second chance with her.
“On Bended Knee” is a heartfelt plea about winning back someone you lost. It’s an apology song. The song is an expression of humility and vulnerability. It tells the tale of the depths someone will go through to get back someone they lost. This is a relatable song because people in love will do anything to win back the person they lost.
This is something that affects most people. Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis wrote a breathtaking song for Boyz II Men. They made their lyrics come alive. Fans can enjoy this song because Boyz II Men make the song sound believable. They poured their hearts and souls into the music. They make you feel the pain they are feeling. This is the type of song Boyz II Men fans enjoy. The group are at home with power ballads.
# 2 – I’ll Make Love to You
“I’ll Make Love to You” is from their II album. The single came out in 1994. The monster hit reached number one on the Hot 100 charts. It spent 14 weeks at number one. It was the third best performing song of the 90s. The song sold over one million copies. The song is self-explanatory. It’s about a man who wants to make love to the woman in his life. He wants to fulfill her desires. He wants to do whatever it takes to make her feel loved. He is devoted to her and wants to show how he feels.
“I’ll Make Love to You” is a straightforward romantic ballad. It’s not hard to figure out what Boyz II Men are talking about in the song. The title of it gives you everything you need to know about it. This is the ultimate babymaking song. As soon as you hear the first notes, you know what’s going to happen. This is the type of song that will make any woman feel special. Boyz II Men went to the right person to write a song about lovemaking.
Babyface is the king of romance so he didn’t steer them wrong. Fans fell in love with this song instantly and that’s why it was a monster hit. The song had massive airplay and still has airplay to this day. Songs like this don’t come around often so we must cherish them when they do. This is a song that you will never get tired of hearing. You can play this song on your honeymoon night as well as for the first time you are with the person you love.
# 1 – End of the Road
The number one song on our Top 10 Biggest Boyz II Men Hits list is “End of the Road” from the Boomerang Soundtrack. The single came out in 1992. It topped the Hot 100 charts. It was number one for 13 weeks until Whitney Houston’s “I Will Always Love You” knocked it out of the top spot. It was one of Boyz II Men’s longest songs at number one until “I’ll Make Love to You” was released. The song sold over one million copies. “End of the Road” is about the end of a relationship.
They sing about a man who wants to know why the woman in his life is playing with his heart and mind. They made a promise to be together forever. He’s still in love with her even though she left him. He wants to hold on to her and the relationship even though it’s come to an end. He can’t let her go and feels they belong together. The guy can’t live without her. There’s no living his life without her.
“End of the Road” is a song about the end of an era. In this case, the era happens to be a relationship. Boyz II Men express the pain of losing someone they love. What makes this song a hit with fans is the fact that the lyrics are universal. They don’t just have to apply to a relationship. This song could be used for the end of a relationship, a graduation, moving away from home, etc. It can touch your life in a variety of ways. Boyz II Men put their feet in this song. Everything about the song is perfect. Boyz II Men managed to make the heartbreaking song sound romantic with the bridge.
They harmonize while Michael “Bass” McCary does the sensual spoken word section. This song was written decades ago and still resonates with fans today. Babyface, LA Reid and Daryl Simmons created a masterpiece for Boyz II Men. Boyz II Men and Babyface make a great team. They work well together, and it explains why they have worked with him on several songs. This song is arguably one of Boyz II Men’s best songs and it’s not a surprise that it was a big hit for them.
10 Biggest Boyz II Men Hits article published on Classic RockHistory.com© 2023
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